Elevate Women

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Fall-Nature’s lessons on letting go.

Fall is officially here. Along with it, all the wonderful things we love about this time of year. Temperatures begin to cool and there is a crispness to the air. Smells of cinnamon, spice and everything woodsy abound. Leaves begin to change color with Autumn’s eye-popping oranges, reds and yellows. Mother nature gives us one more vibrant burst of life before shedding it’s kaleidoscope of colors to lie peacefully on the ground.

For us, this is a time to reflect. A time to assess those things that no longer serve us, fulfill us or move us toward blossoming into better beings. A time to shed resentments, toxic relationships, and material goods, to name a few things. An opportunity to shed the things that take up space in our lives in order to open our hearts to things that allow us to grow and be present to all we are capable of being.

Sometimes we try so hard to hang on to things we shouldn’t. Things that hurt us, drain our energy and keep us stuck. Like that last small leaf clinging to an otherwise barren tree, refusing to fall trying to avoid the inevitable.

There are times we just need to let go. To be willing to move on. Letting go means we may feel like we are in a free fall. Be assured it is only temporary. Like the last quivering leaf that floats to solid ground, so too will we land on our feet. Trust that the ground will rise up to meet us. Trust that others will be there to support you. Perhaps this season of shedding requires healing in some way. Our community is designed to help and support you.

New seasons await you along with new experiences, new relationships and a new found sense of centeredness and joy.

Happy Fall! May you drift purposefully into your destiny!
