We are heading into the holidays which can be as hectic as they are happy. Holidays mean different things to different people-positive and negative. But one thing I do know is gratitude will always elevate your mood and your experiences.
Let’s make November the month of gratitude. A deep gratitude that recognizes life is not always pleasant or cooperative. A gratitude that goes beyond the dinner table and periods of abundance.
Gratitude can be our breath of life. There is much truth in the saying “Gratitude determines your attitude.” When we live in a space of gratitude we cultivate contentment, calm and clarity.
Our vibrational energy is felt by all around us. We have daily opportunities to turn our thoughts and hearts toward gratitude.
I can choose to be frustrated when I walk into the laundry room and see piles of clothes my family has left for me. But I stop and think. What’s the alternative? No family, no children running around, playing in the dirt. No sports events to watch and cheer on my son or daughter? Breathe-Gratitude.
Now of course there are other options like requiring my teenagers to do their own laundry but that is another story for another day. Today I choose gratitude.
We can cultivate a gratitude practice throughout our day in just this way. It can become second nature to us. A gratitude practice can change us at a deep level, freeing our spirits to do the work we are here to do.
We are grateful for you! Grateful you have joined this community and desire to share in the lives of women doing beautiful things.